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8 Famous Tattoos & Their Meaning

8 Famous Tattoos & Their Meaning

How can one miss out wings while speaking about tattoo symbols and meanings? Wings stand for freedom. They are constant reminders that you cannot be owned, and that you can be whoever you want, and can go wherever you want at your will. The wings come in all shapes and sizes, and while some people have tiny wings, others have a large pair of wings tattooed on their backs, almost like a real pair of wings. A religious analysis would symbolize wings as angels that are constantly mentioned in religious texts
back tattoo

2-Dream Catchers
The mystical quality of the dream catchers makes them very popular themes for tattoos. They say that dream catchers, as the term suggests, have the ability to catch good dreams and chase away nightmares, and therefore people rooting for dream catcher tattoos absorb their qualities in their destinies. Bad dreams, bad luck, and evil spirits are all at bay when you have a dream catcher protecting you. The dream catcher also serves as a good luck charm that brings success, happiness, and good fortune.

The sun tattoo is a universal theme. It usually symbolizes life. Being a life giver itself, the sun signifies rebirth and fertility. It also stands for power, perseverance, and new beginnings. All those who wish to turn over a new leaf, or leave behind rough times, should consider getting the sun tattoo.

Glyphs are a set of elemental symbols in Greek. These tattoos are usually very tiny, yet very powerful. This particular one means ‘to explore’. It is a constant reminder that through this journey of life, you must never stop exploring.

"A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor."

6-Viking symbol
meaning "create your own reality."

with all their height and grandeur, mountains have become a symbol for overcoming obstacles, detachment from worldly affairs, power, and a connection to nature.

8-Psalm 18:33
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights


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