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men have to risk

If there’s a standout advantage women have, this has to be i
The fact is, women must deal with a lot less rejection in dating than men. If a woman is unwilling to make a move on a man, she can sub communicate to him she wants him to make one, without risking a real rejection. If that doesn’t work, a different man will try his luck. She can meet and get chatting to a lot of men, without having to risk a direct rejection. While women are just as vulnerable to rejection, once in a relationship, a woman can have a successful dating life, without ever being rejected. She may not have quite as many options, but she’ll still have options, especially if she knows how to give men proper green lights.
If a man doesn’t – at some point – ‘man’ up and make a move, then generally he’s going home alone. No matter how much he gives a woman eye contact, it will usually be him who has to walk over, him who has to kiss her, and him who has to ask her out to lunch.
Even if he’s not approaching you in a bar, wherever he meets you, he still must take the risk in asking you out. For many men, confidence does not come naturally. Unfortunately, in dating, where men must risk rejection regularly to have success, confidence is required. This can be a huge, sometimes insurmountable, obstacle for some men to overcome.
No matter how you cut it, for men to get results in dating, they have to risk rejection much more than women. Remember this next time you’re getting frustrated with a guy’s hesitancy to make a move on you and help him out by making sure you make your signals to him clear.


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